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Shipment and Returns

We ship to almost all the countries around the world, except very few countries that we do not. If you put the address of the destination country and did not see any error or a message stating shipment not available, you are good to order :). 

More info on Shipment Free Shipping & Returns

As you know our Jewellery designs are meant to be personalized with Bali's energy and wisdom with a little Balinese's Ceremony here and that can take a day or two to arrange after your lovely design is ready on hand. So we safely say, we send the item within 3-4 days after the order placement. Depending upon countries it can then take anything from 1 week to 2 weeks to reach the adorer of the blessed Jewellery. We provide Shipment Tracking for all countries except Russia, Armenia, Belarus and Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan. 

For clothing, it's a little different, if you have ordered the "On Stock" item, then we ship right away from Bali. If you are ordering one of those pre-order with the date to actual manufacturing in future period then we shall communicate directly for those. 

More info on Shipment Free Shipping & Returns

We send an email confirming shipment as soon as we ship from here. The tracking number is within that email. If you have created an account on our system and made an order after that you can check the details of your order to see the tracking number. Alternatively, you can reach us at with your order details to request a tracking number. 

More info on Shipment Free Shipping & Returns

If it is for Jewellery, to keep the essence, expectation, energy and pleasure of unboxing your piece, we pack all pieces together and send in one Beautiful 'Grounded And Free' box.

If it is for clothing, for the reason essence we pack all orders in lovely packaging and send to you to enjoy fully.

More info on Shipment Free Shipping & Returns

Material and Warranty

The 92.5% pure silver with a mix of 7.5% friendly like copper makes the allow called Sterling Silver or also known as 925( 925 in 1000 parts silver). This is the best composition of silver for making that shiny rich jewellery at the same time keeping the strength of the jewellery. You may find all brands and local artisans use this composition. 

More info  Ethical Sourcing and Materials

The Vermeil Gold is one of the highest grade Gold Plating methods used by even those Luxury Brands out there. To be a Vermeil standard, Jewellery has to be a minimum Sterling Silver coated with a minimum layer of 2.5% micron of 22kt gold. But at 'Grounded And Free' we have gone the extra step on quality, we put 5 microns of the layer 22kt Gold on our Sterling Silver, that extra layer is for the durability of the coating and lasting Gold finish for a longer period of time.

More info  Ethical Sourcing and Materials

The Gemstones are naturally occurring crystals of various minerals, salts and elements that are found mostly under hundreds to thousands of meters of the earth's surface or sometimes on the surface of the earth. Those under the earth's surface are brought up by either volcanic activities in the form of lava or simply by exposing tectonic plates around the earth like the Himalaya range or they simply form as crystallization process of different minerals. These stones have various colours, textures and said to have different energy and their own vibrations. 
In Vedic science, each planet has a master Gemstone that matches the energy vibration. For thousands of years, mankind has been using these stone's energy to heal, protect and balance their aura and energy and in many cases influence fate by balancing the planetary energy movements. 
Due to the increased popularity and usages of Gemstones, it's very easy to find counterfeits in the market. Some stones not only look real and natural, they even have better colours. There are some natural stones that are colour enhanced. One of the best ways to trust vendors is their reliability, permanent store location, recommendation by local jewellers and particularly when you visit them, their transparency. Most of these stores have selections of low-grade natural(cracked or shaded), high-grade natural, enhanced natural and 100% synthetic stones, and they should be able to show you all variations without being shy about it and let you choose which you want regardless of the sell they can potentially make. 


More info on our selection at  Ethical Sourcing and Materials

The quick answer is yes. Silver naturally tarnish over time, due to its natural reaction with the oxygen in the air combined with moisture. There are few tips to delay the tarnish though but the most common tip is to avoid wearing the silver jewellery during sweating work-outs, swimming or exposing into the high humid environment.

We also have instruction prepared on how to love and care for your blessed jewellery. Please visit: Love and Care

More info  Ethical Sourcing and Materials

The natural Gemstones do not lose their shine for many years unless it's dirty or abused with heavy rubbing. Like any materials, rubbing and scratching will surely lose their shine. Some stones are easier to scratch and some are not, for example, Saphire stone is very tough and can not be scratched easily which makes it an attractive stone to use as glass in luxury scratch-proof watches. But as a rule for normal use of jewellery, Stones are considered very durable. 

We also have instruction prepared on how to love and care for your blessed jewellery. Please visit: Love and Care

More info  Ethical Sourcing and Materials

We do not just casually put any Gold Plating on our jewellery. We exceed the quality of Vermeil. Vermeil is a minimum requirement to put a layer of 22kt Gold around Sterling Silver with a thickness of 2.5 microns or more. But have we decided to put 5 microns for simply two reasons, we want durability and that Gold shine last way longer. 

We also have instruction prepared on how to love and care for your blessed jewellery. Please visit: Love and Care

More info  Ethical Sourcing and Materials

When we say ethical, it automatically demands a high degree of work in the supply chain. Right from finding a supplier who believes in your vision, auditing their work and the work of their supply chain down the line, checking reviews, hearing testimonials and ensuring they are rightly priced too. As you know Gold, Silver and Stones mining is big and vast, getting raw materials from mines, ores in rural places of the countries and in many cases in the country with a corrupt government and lawless society. We want to ensure we are tracing the source of raw materials and check sustainability before we start to use them. 

Then it follows what we do in our own company, stemming from our intentions, people we involve, materials we use for packing, storing, producing, printing and all the way to our contributions to mother earth and our lovely communities. 

We want to ensure we are doing everything consciously and reducing the bad footprints behind. 

More info  Ethical Sourcing and Materials

Do you mean our Eco Viscose? It's so simple math. Here's how, 
1. We use FSC Certified Manufacturer of the Garments, meaning all their fibres come from a Sustainable Forest( Not deforested but rather maintained strategically for growth of the forest)
2. They use a closed-loop process which means no chemical is wasted or spilled over to nature. 
3. With all fibres coming from the forest, they do not use farmland for fibres that save area for food harvesting to feed the hunger. And yes save the irrigation water because forest survives well with natural rainwater. 
4. Extremely fast biodegradable, even faster than Natural Cotton. And yes, just as normal natural bio combust, no need to amplify any process. 
5. Feels so amazing on the body, absorbs moisture better than the natural fibres.


More info  Ethical Sourcing and Materials

Yes as with any garments you buy from the store, they go with certain ways to wash them, dry them or iron them. We have put a very clear Care Instruction label on each cloth that you send you. Please read and follow them, they very simple.

We also have instruction prepared on how to love and care for your blessed jewellery. Please visit: Love and Care of your blessed Jewellery


Hand-dyeing is a very old tradition of applying colour to plain white fibres. We use sustainable dyes on our fabric, it's natural for garments with hand-dye to lose a bit of shade over time. But you do not need to be alarmed, if you will follow the care instruction of your garment, you will likely enjoy your garment for years without any noticeable difference. 

We also have instruction prepared on how to love and care for your blessed jewellery. Please visit: Love and Care

More info  Ethical Sourcing and Materials

‘Grounded And Free’ fully warrants that the Products manufactured and sold by it will be free from defects in material and workmanship. We will repair any products proven to be faulty due to manufacturing defects within six (6) months after the date of purchase by the customer with proof of original sales receipt.

More info on Warranty: Warranty

We also have instruction prepared on how to love and care for your blessed jewellery. Please visit: Love and Care of your blessed Jewellery


Measuring the sizes of Jewellery and Cloths

We use the US standard system to measure the ring sizes. There are charts available on the website along with instruction on how to measure your finger size.

More on  Measuring The Ring Size


The quick answer is no. As with all orders, many items for us are made to order meaning, once a piece is ordered online, we inform the manufacturer to create one. If an item is ordered wrong, not only it will take time, energy and shipment costs on both sides, it may require the factory to create a new one as they need to recycle the old one that takes few weeks. 

It is for this reason, we want you to be very careful when measuring your ring size and take help from our measurement chart.

More on  Measuring The Ring Size


Under the product page of each garment that you view, you will find a detailed size chart for each respective dresses/ garments

Buying And Redeeming Gifts Certificates and Coupons

When you are browsing on our online store you may visit Shop and look for the gift Cards category. You will find different $$ options for you to buy the Gift Cards.

We have created options for various amounts to choose from. Ideally, you would have to select an item that is equal or lower than your Gift value before taxes and shipment costs but if there is any difficulty in this, please contact us and we will see how we can solve it together. 

Once you are on the final check out page on the online store, you will see an option to put such codes to get the amount adjusted. 

Currently, we only support the Digital version of the Gift Cards and Coupons. We will advise you should that be changing in the future. 

Charity Fund Distribution

Since we are not a public limited company, we can't display financial documents online but we can show proof such as donation receipts from organizations, receipts for buying stuff, etc to those who would like to see them. 
Our Page Giving Back to Society will also be having enough updates on all local and international financial aids and activities. 
You will also be seeing photos/videos and stories of our Charity activities on our Instagram